Our Vision
The vision of Hungry is to be a movement in which people turn from their lifestyle of darkness and forge new allegiances with God, moving from despair to hope as The Holy Spirit restores their families, and draw people to God through their testimony of Jesus’ saving work.

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Matthew 28:19-20

Managua, Nicaragua Chapter
We started this chapter in 2019. This Hungry Church Chapter continues to grow as God draws people to Jesus. Have a look t our Contact Page for this chapter to learn more and find out how to join our church!
San Salvador, El Salvador Chapter
Our original Hungry Church Chapter! This is where it all started. We meet at an easy to find place and worship together. Have a look at our contact page for more information and to find out when and where we gather.
Tijana, Mexico Chapter (coming soon)
There is a small group of people here that have shown interest in launching a Hungry Church Chapter. We are planning to visit and train leaders there with the hopes of a new chapter launching in 2020.
Loving those whom others fear to love by crossing into enemy territory to make disciples so that we allow God to radically change our lives.

"A place where One can find refuge in a foreign country."
"A place where you can find people who have been through what you are going through."
"A place where bonds are made with each other and God."
"A place where you can be yourself and allow God to transform you."
"A place where you'll hear hard topics that you will not hear at other churches."
"A place where you won’t be judged."
"A place where you'll be welcomed no matter how many tattoos you have or where you've been, or what set you were from. Or what you've done in your pass. At hungry you will be loved."

El Salvador Gathering Spot
Hungry Meets at:
25 Av. Notre y Pasaje San Ernesto
#1322 Colonia Medica, San Salvador
El Salvador
Email: ncruz@hungrycurch.org
Phone: +503-7596-7637
Contact Us
Fill Out the Form Below to Get Connected
Nicaragua Gathering Spot
Hungry Meets at:
Managua, Nicaragua
Email: ncruz@hungrycurch.org
Phone: +503-7596-7637
Contact Us
Fill Out the Form Below to Get Connected
Why Purple?
We are a church of people who used to have allegiances to gangs. We wore gang colors and represented our tribes. But, Scripture says that in Christ we are no longer separated by those old divisions (Galatians 3). We have a new allegiance, a new covenant! We are one in Christ Jesus!
Traditional gang colors are blue and red. Bloods wear red. Crips wear blue. Northerners wear red. Southerners wear blue. But, we don’t represent the old life any more. Blue and Red together make Purple. And, more importantly, our Savior wore a purple robe when he was about to be crucified to pay for our sins.